Project AAC for ALL
Interdisciplinary Preparation for Highly Qualified Speech-language Pathologists and Special Educators to Support Dual Language Learners with AAC Needs
Project AAC for ALL is co-directed by Drs. Gloria Soto and Nancy Robinson in the Department of Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences and funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs from 2021-2026, grant number H325K210005. AAC for ALL will address the shortage of professionals in speech-language pathology and special education to meet the linguistic, academic, and social needs of an increasing number of children with disabilities who have a home language other than English, and benefit from various types of Augmentative and Alternative Communication. AAC for ALL will enroll 12-13 scholars annually who are current graduate students in the Departments of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences and Special Education for a total of 50 scholars over 5 years. Scholars will receive scholarships and complete an interdisciplinary program over 3 semesters that includes specialized coursework, clinical and fieldwork experiences; service-learning; and internships or student teaching. Upon completion of AAC for ALL, scholars will receive the AAC Graduate Certificate from the SF State Graduate Division in addition to their respective Master’s Degrees and Credentials.

AAC for ALL at San Francisco State University will (a) implement an interdisciplinary, evidence-based curriculum that includes academic coursework, clinical practice, community-based fieldwork, school internships, and international service-learning with the Nika Project ; (b) integrate AAC specialization within state and national certification standards for SLPs and SPED teachers; and (c) implement a comprehensive evaluation plan that includes an assessment of course quality, candidate knowledge and performance, and project impact on educational services for students with AAC needs who are dual language learners.
See the AAC Studies @ SF State Website for more information.
For information on how to become a grant recipient and participant in AAC for ALL, please contact co-directors Dr. Gloria Soto or Dr. Nancy Robinson.