Specialized Training
There are four optional clinical specialization experiences that are available as additions to the M.S. program

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Graduate Certificate
The Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences offers specialization in AAC through the AAC Graduate Certificate, awarded by the SF State Division of Graduate Studies. The AAC Graduate Certificate is designed to prepare highly qualified professionals to provide culturally-responsive Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) services for individuals with communication needs (CCN) in school and community settings. Candidates acquire specialized competence in the areas of (a) AAC assessment, (b) AAC intervention, (c) AAC collaboration and teamwork, (d) literacy development through AAC and (e) continued professional development in AAC to support the language and literacy skills with children, youth and adults. Current graduate and post-baccalaureate students in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Special Education and related fields are encouraged to apply. Practicing professionals at the post-baccalaureate level may also apply to complete the AAC Graduate Certificate.
In addition to completing the AAC Graduate Certificate, current graduate students enrolled in SLHS, and SPED Departments have the opportunity to apply for Project AAC for ALL, funded by the USDOE, Office of Special Education Programs from 2021-2026 with a specialized focus on providing AAC services with students who are dual language learners. Twelve to thirteen scholars are accepted and granted scholarships annually to AAC for ALL. Upon completion of AAC for ALL, scholars will receive their respective graduate degrees, credentials and the AAC Graduate Certificate.

Autism & Neurodiversity
Students who have been accepted into the Master's Program in the Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) Department can apply to Project ASCEND (Autism Social Communication, Engagement, and Neurodiversity). Project ASCEND is a 5-year U.S. Department of Education grant (starting in 2023) focused on preparation of speech-language therapists at San Francisco State University (SFSU). The project aims to recruit and train scholars to provide high quality, evidence-based services to young nonspeaking autistic children and their families who benefit from augmentative and alternative communication, especially those from traditionally underrepresented communities, in inclusive educational settings. Project ASCEND is committed to promoting neurodiversity and removing barriers to engagement, communication, and belonging for autistic individuals and their families.

Inclusive Early Childhood Practices
The ECSE (Early Childhood Special Education) program provides the ECSE Credential to participating students in the SLHS Master's Program (https://bulletin.sfsu.edu/colleges/education/special-education/certific…).
There is a critical need for more highly-qualified professionals of diverse sociocultural backgrounds to support the learning and development of ALL young children within inclusive settings. This certificate helps to prepare more credentialed ECSE and SLHS scholars to fill this need.

Spanish-Bilingual Specialization
Please note: completion of this specialization results in a department-issued certificate of completion
(The above image is from: Spanish Phonemic Inventory)
If you speak Spanish, then this certificate program allows you to leverage this greatly needed skill to become a highly qualified bilingual speech-language therapist. This certificate was developed because there is a persistent and chronic shortage of speech-language therapists who have the clinical and academic experiences that are necessary to leverage their Spanish language skills. This Certificate program is designed for you to leverage your Spanish skills into a culturally responsive and powerful set of competencies to provide appropriate and evidence-based clinical services to children who speak Spanish and their families, and for whom English may be their second language. The Director of this specialization is Dr. Laura Epstein (lepstein@sfsu.edu).
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